Sharing the game everywhere we go…

contribution by Neha Soneji (Contractor) Due to a national holiday, Krishna Jayanthi, we did not have a session with our students but Team Crossover did not take the day off. First, a visit to the US Consulate where we provided … Continue reading →

Day 2 – And Then It Rained….

Day 2 started out promising with the arrival of Eric Obeysekere and his excitement to meet our students. As it were, five minutes before pulling up to the school – the rain started to come down. Now in the US … Continue reading →

A Day to be Cherished

Yesterday was a day that I had dreamt, planned, re-planned, fundraised, and more, for so long – that I couldn’t believe it was finally here. The kids at St. Patrick’s School in Chennai are amazing. Their excitement wasn’t one of … Continue reading →

Count all 3 – 3pt Academy Helping To Change The Game

Crossover Basketball and Scholars Academy have partnered to work with 3pt Academy in helping promote the game of hoops. We couldn’t be more excited for this fantastic opportunity. The 3pt Academy app is completely free and completely loaded with basketball … Continue reading →

Would You Fire A High School Coach Mid-Season?

If you haven’t read about the Red Jacket High School Indians post-season run this year without their head coach – let me catch you up. Head Coach Rich Miles was fired by the superintendent of the school district after a … Continue reading →

Lessons of a Blowout

So far this basketball season, my team has been truly fortunate in our first two games – winning by considerable margins and doing so by playing the type of basketball we want to play: tough deny defense, help-side defense, pushing … Continue reading →

Teammates with a 14 year old

Having been a teacher for the last 9 years, I have had plenty of opportunities to witness a multitude of 14 year olds become better people, teammates, athletes, friends and students. It is such an impressionable age for growth and … Continue reading →

A bit of inspiration

As I have continued to delve into the idea of heroism and truth this week, I was reminded by a colleague about a poem I have often referred back to a various times since my freshman year of college (it … Continue reading →

Being A Hero

After receiving favourable feedback after giving this “Morning Wisdom” at our school assembly – I thought I would share it as a blog post. ~S —————————————————————- As all of you know – yesterday marked a significant moment in the healing … Continue reading →

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